We love to talk about what we've dubbed “Blue Sky Marketing;" putting your brand in unexpected places where your competition will never be found. It's you flying in the clear blue sky all by your lonesome, and when you do it in an entertaining and engaging way, it's a win. People will notice you. Seeing you in such an unusual place will stop them in their tracks, and they will remember you.
Blue Sky Marketing. When we find perfect examples, we share them.
Baseball caps off to Emirates this month for their unexpected foray into baseball, showing up at Dodger stadium in Los Angeles to sponsor the opening pitch by Orel Herchiser, with a twist at the end. Click here to view their video.
A few comments:
Emirates' sexist practice of staffing events only with fine-looking women and not including men shows a lack of understanding of American culture that needs to be adjusted. Lesson: make sure you take into consideration your potential client's sensibilities in what you present.
The ending—having the hostess actually throw out the first pitch was genius. It makes up a bit for the sexist, female-only representation. But only a bit.
Like their Jennifer Aniston ad, which took off virally, this video will serve them well with the American public, which loves baseball. But the Aniston reach seemed stronger for those who might actually fly to places where Emirates flies. Do American baseball fans fly to Dubai? Not so sure. But either way, their consistent spending of marketing dollars in unique and entertaining sponsorships and advertising is the bomb.