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Funding Your Project Part 1 - Before Your Approach Anyone

Christine Merser

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

This is the first part of our four part 'Funding Your Project' series. While this session focuses on film, much of it will apply across numerous industries.

Before you go out to anyone to fundraise and ask for money, there are certain collateral elements we recommend you have in your toolbox. These include a PDF, a video, an Instagram page for your project, and a LinkedIn account. In this session we go into each of the these four elements. Armed with these four pieces, there's nothing you can't achieve.

Watch now & register for Part 2 of the series, on ‘Outreach,’ below!

In the session, Christine refers to the Blue Shoe funding ladder:

This next session in our funding series, on Thursday, January 19 at 5PM EST, will cover ‘Outreach.’ Christine will walk you through ways to go about outreach in an instance where you know the person or group, and for when you don't and you're going through someone else. She'll talk about some of the routes you can take and what you can give them, including the collateral you're creating, the vehicles you’re using for outreach, and more. Hope to see you there!



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