Remember the days when the publisher was in charge of getting your book in front of those who would purchase it? Well, those days are over — unless, of course, you are Stephen King, and if you are Stephen King, you are surely not reading this article. Your own efforts will play a part in determining the number of books you sell. Yes, if you wrote a good book, word of mouth will sell it too, but you have to lay the foundation through your own efforts to make sure that those who would sing your praises see it, read it, and pass it on.
Here are five things you can do to make sure you are setting yourself up to be seen:
1. Book clubs abound in this country. If your book fits into that niche, put together book-club talking points and questions. It will ensure someone will be more willing to choose the book even if he or she hasn’t read it. You have done the work, and the questions you post will help book-club members decide if it fits into their club’s parameters. Make sure you offer on all your media platforms to SKYPE or visit a book club during their meeting, which will also make you more compelling a read.
2. Guest blog on blogs that serve the same demographic as those who will be interested in your book. There is an easy way to figure out how to find the blogs that are right for you, but I can’t give away all our trade secrets! Email me if you want the key.
3. Do send out a book a day to someone who reviews books. OK, you can make it a book a week if you want, but do not scrimp on this. Book reviewers sell books.
4. Advertise on websites that are of interest to the same demographic as your book’s topic. It’s cheap. It works. And if a website sells your books successfully, keep advertising on it until it no longer does work. An ad that hooks the reader with a teaser about what the book is about is the best ad to post.
5. Going to visit Grandma for Thanksgiving? Contact the local bookstore in her neighborhood, and offer to do a signing while you are there. Contact them NOW, not the week before you are to arrive. And, if they say yes? YOU are responsible for getting the crowd in the door. Post on Facebook/Instagram that you will be there. Say you will be giving away a book at the signing, and then boost that post to a 15-mile radius of the bookstore’s location.
These are five things to do, and they’re all doable, right? There are hundreds of additional things you can do as well. You CAN bring readers to your book. The question is, will they want to finish reading it from the moment they start? Good luck to you all. Email us if you have questions.