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Christine Merser

Game On. Who's Getting It Right?

Some are getting it right. Every now and then we like to give some examples of posts that will give you a moment of pause because they nailed it. We hope they inspire you to put out creative work that engages, educates and entertains.

ESPN's Video Series

We know, right? ESPN? Blue Shoers watch ESPN? Not so much, which is one of the reasons we think their inspired series of Athlete Nudes is amazing. This one is Aly Raisman, whose floor exercise at the last Olympics was one of the best ever!


Quite a shot right?

But, there's more. Remember we told you short video pieces are where it's at?

Watch the video that goes with the photo shoot. Aly commenting on her work routine and commitment to winning. Snippets of her posing nude - all in good taste. This video engages, entertains, and educations. A perfect 10.

This was on Facebook, Twitter, and ESPN's website.

Skimm's Third Anniversary

We at Blue Shoe are Skimm readers, and now most of our clients are as well. The news every morning in five minutes, presented in an engaging, entertaining, and educational way.

Skimm is turning three. How to parlay that. As we always say, what is happening to you is not of interest to your base; you have to take what is happening to you and make it engaging, entertaining, or educational.

So, Skimm is presenting us three-year olds on Instagram, where they have 120,000 followers and never put up their work but instead always entertain, mentioning they are three years in the market, in a non-boring, non-braggertly, fabulous way.


Beacon Hotel's Room with a View

The Beacon Hotel, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, did a Facebook 'Room with a View Series,' inviting their guest fan base to show their room with a view. Hundreds liked it, tens put up their room views, and the net net is that anyone looking for a hotel could see that the light and views from the Hotel Beacon were not your typical alleyway views. Engaging. Selling the hotel through their followers. Brilliant.

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So, on this Fabulous Friday, take a moment to think outside the box of your normal marketing plans and put something out that will entertain us, engage us, and or educate us. And, do send us your work so we can celebrate you.

The Blue Shoe Team

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